Seismic Adjustment and Structural Reinforcements

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Icomet Costruzioni Metalliche , with its metal carpentry , deals among its services, seismic adaptation interventions and reinforcement of existing structures.


We mean all those changes to existing buildings in order to make them more resistant to seismic action.

With a better understanding of the effects of earthquakes on structures and recent events, the need for anti-seismic retrofitting of many existing structures is recognized.

For the seismic adaptation of an existing building, it is necessary to refer to the Ministerial Decree of 14 January 2008 (NTC08) which defines the principles for the design, execution and testing of buildings, addressing the problem of those already existing.

The NTC08 define the three different types of intervention that can be carried out:

  • Adjustment interventions: aimed at achieving the safety levels required by the NTC;
  • Improvement interventions to increase the existing structural safety without reaching the levels required by the NTC;
  • Repairs or local interventions involving insulating elements and which in any case lead to an improvement of the pre-existing safety conditions.


During the useful life of the building it may happen that the load-bearing capacity of the structure is no longer adequate to perform the static and dynamic functions envisaged by the project or caused by changes in the intended use. The reasons can be:

  • the degradation of the materials that constitute it, which can cause both the reduction of the resistant section and the worsening of the mechanical characteristics of the structure
  • the change in the intended use of a building, which can cause unexpected overloading in the load-bearing elements
  • unpredictable events such as subsidence of foundations, strong impacts, fires and earthquakes, which can cause localized or extensive damage to the entire building.

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According to the NTC 2016 (as well as for the NTC 2008), the seismic retrofitting of a building is mandatory for:

  • Raise the building;
  • Expanding the construction by means of works structurally connected to the construction;
  • Make changes in class and / or intended use that lead to increases in global loads in the foundation, greater than 10%. In any case, it is mandatory to proceed with the local verification of the individual parts and / or elements of the structure, even if they affect limited portions of the building.
  • Carry out structural interventions aimed at transforming the building through a systematic set of works that lead to a building structure different from the previous one.

The interventions to adapt (or as in some cases, improve) a building seismically, vary according to some parameters such as:

  • Type of construction (if it is single-storey or multi-storey);
  • Type of supporting structure;
  • The foundations in which the building rests, or the seismic zone in which the building falls and more generally the context in which the building is inserted.

Icomet Costruzioni Metalliche deals with seismic adaptation interventions and structural improvements on existing buildings with the use of steel elements, a material that often proves to be increasingly suitable resolution of this class of problems.

Strengthened by experience and completed projects, Icomet is your ideal partner for the seismic adaptation of your building, whether it is a home or an industrial building, respecting all safety standards in force.

Ask for a free quote or simply to ask information about Icomet products, you can contact us without obligation by clicking on the button below.

Icomet Costruzioni Metalliche Srl – Builders of Ideas

Adeguamento Sismico

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